Who Should Join?

Mid-/senior level professionals working in small state economies’ NDBs – including but not limited to:

  • Credit Underwriting Managers

  • Senior Loan Officers

  • Heads of Risk Management


“This course is very well structured and will allow all professionals interested in the credit business to strengthen their capacities.”

Serge Richard Petit Frere


“An excellent resource for new or experienced NDB practitioners looking to gain a best practice perspective on MSME lending in small island states.”

Sumayyah Cargill

Bahamas Development Bank

“Great content! Very interactive and relevant!”

Dwayne Edwards

Antigua Barbuda Development Bank

"This is an excellent [initiative] that provides real life cases. The facilitators are quite versed and experienced in banking and the delivery of the course was seamless. This was worth the time spent and sharing feedback with cohorts was an excellent aspect of the course.”

Arleta Raté-Mitchel

Bank of Saint Lucia Limited

CENDB Leadership


Michael Collins

Arlene Orencia