Course Description
This program focuses on how to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance systems into institutions' strategies and operations. It begins with an introduction to the business case for sustainable banking and why the financial sector needs to pay attention to environmental and social (E&S) risks before moving into the processes of identifying risks and impacts. It considers how E&S risks translate into financial risks, and what the financial risks are. The program will also cover risk mitigation and management, including E&S categorization, how to identify and assess E&S risks and impacts, how E&S risks translate into financial risks, and how to mitigate and manage E&S risks throughout the tenure of a project.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand basic concepts of sustainable finance and why the E&S should matter to FIs
• Identify and assess E&S risks and impacts
• Identify and assess the financial risks associated with E&S risks
• Mitigate E&S risks and impacts through E&S provisions in the legal facility and designing an action plan
• Manage E&S risks and impacts by monitoring the portfolio exposure and clients after the disbursement
• Ensure adequate internal E&S capacity, including how to engage with external consultants and how to engage with the client.
Who Should Join?
National Development Bank practitioners, including but not limited to:
Risk Managers